Emergency Management Professionals play an important role in implementing hazard mitigation in local communities. In addition to conducting hazard mitigation planning they identify and implement projects to build resilient communities.
For the FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grants administered by MEMA, the local government must sponsor the subapplcation for an individual property owner or business owner for the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC), Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) programs; there are exceptions for HMGP that permits a private non-profit organization to sponsor a subapplication for an individual property owner or business owner.
The local government takes on the role as a subapplicant and is charged with project management and grant administration. In this role the subapplicant is responsible for the following:
- Identifying mitigation activities
- Preparing application materials
- Managing the project
- Preparing and submitting financial and performance reports to MEMA
- Ensuring compliance with program requirements and all other federal, state, and local laws and regulations
Events and Deadlines
HMGP- DR 4491 & DR 4583
March 17, 2022 @ 1700 hours:
Notice of Interest due
July 31, 2022: Subapplications due to MDEM via
February 3rd, 2023:MDEM Application due to FEMA
Potential subapplicants with NOIs selected to proceed for this grant opportunity will be notified within two weeks of the March 17, 2022
**Although this is a finalized timeline, deadlines may change due to varying circumstances.**
May/ June, 2022: Outreach Material from MDEM
August 31, 2022 @ 1700 hours:
Notice of Interest due
Early September- NOI Elgibility Notification from MDEM
November 14- Subrecipient Applications due to MDEM via FEMA Go
December 2,2022: Subapplication revisions due to MDEM via FEMA GO
January 30, 2023 : MDEM FY22 BRIC/FMA state submission due to FEMA
Potential subapplicants with NOIs selected to proceed for this grant opportunity will be notified within two weeks of the August 1, 2022 deadline.
**Although this is a finalized timeline, deadlines may change due to varying circumstances.**
Application Process
The grant management lifecycle can be viewed below.

MDEM accepts Notice of Interest (NOI) submissions all year round. At the time a new funding opportunity is announced, a deadline for NOI acceptance will be established for said funding . Eligible subapplicants must submit a Notice of Interest (NOI) form to pursue an open funding opportunity.
Eligible Subapplicants Chart
Property owners and businesses may not apply independently for an HMA grant; they must be sponsored by an eligible subapplicant and Insert the below table and foot notes under the language .
Entity |
State Agencies |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Local Governments, Including Tribal Governments |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Federally Recognized Tribal Government |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Private nonprofit organizations and institutions that own and operate a facility that provides an essential government service as defined in 44 CFR § 206.221(e)† |
Yes |
No |
No |
Qualifying conservation private nonprofit organization‡ |
Yes |
No |
No |
* Local governments may include non-federally recognized tribes or, consistent with the definition of local government in 42 U.S.C. § 5122(8), may include any tribe, authorized tribal organization, or Alaska Native village or organization that is not federally recognized according to 25 U.S.C. § 479(a) et seq.
† Private nonprofit organizations are defined in 44 CFR 206.221(f).
‡ Limited to acquisition and demolition/relocation projects
MDEM will consult with subapplicants regarding NOI submission after the established deadline. MDEM will provide a brief high level project eligibility review (eligible or ineligible for proposed activity) based on information submitted and provide subapplicants with support materials to help create their subapplication. If more information is needed to help determine eligibility, MDEM will contact the subapplicant.
Subapplicants planning to pursue a Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) or Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant must have a FEMA GO account. Please see the support materials below to create an account and navigate the system.” Under this language please list the following documents with their links
Once notified by MDEM, subapplicants will develop a complete HMA Subapplication package. The principal components of the HMA Subapplication are the scope of work, budget, schedule, and Benefit Cost Analysis (BCA). The following may be required to be submitted: proof of cost estimates, photographs, maps, property information, insurance documentation, deed restriction language, etc. It is the responsibility of the subapplicant to complete the HMA Subapplication package based on the Hazard Mitigation Assistance Policy and Program Guide for their respective project type.
Subapplication Templates
Please note, if you are completing a subapplication for BRIC/FMA, these templates are to help subapplicants start their subapplication until the funding portal opens in FEMA GO. Once the funding portal is open, Subapplicants must create and complete a subapplication within FEMA GO using the FEMA Go guides from Step 2
MDEM will review submitted subapplications and provide feedback to ensure robust subapplicantions are submitted to FEMA. Subapplication deadlines will be provided to subapplicants within the NOI eligibility email. Additionally, subapplications will be reviewed and ranked by the Mitigation Advisory Committee (MAC), a State Interagency Review Committee. The MAC will provide a recommendation to MDEM senior leadership for submission to FEMA.
MDEM will submit the state application, containing all eligible and recommended subapplications, to FEMA by the established deadline. Upon the HMA Application package being submitted to FEMA, a review for eligibility, cost-effectiveness, and compliance with applicable Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) policies, laws, and regulations will be conducted. If more information is required for FEMA’s review, a Request For Information (RFI) will be issued to MDEM and relayed to the subapplicant for completion. FEMA will notify MDEM of successful grant awards.