Training & Education


A header that reads "Build Your Skills" with an image of participants driving a rescue boat during a search & rescue exercise  

Welcome to the MDEM Training & Education Center!

Here you'll find a hub for all of our trainings, exercises, learning resources, and more - everything you and/or your organization need to hone your emergency management skillsets and do your part in building a more prepared, resilient Maryland. MDEM regularly runs, sponsors, or facilitates training across the emergency management spectrum - from planning to public information - both our own events and those we work with partners to provide.

Check out our Master Training & Exercise Calendar below to find the next training event that's right for you, learn more, and sign up!


Get Registered

Use our convenient new Common Registration Portal to sign up for any class on the calendar!
(Courses offered by our partners may have different registration processes - if so, you'll see that on their calendar entry.)

Sign up for any MDEM course on the calendar by clicking the button below:

Sign Up for Any Course

Portal not working? Download our fillable PDF registration form here.

Upcoming Trainings

Click on any event to see details and register to participate!

Learn More

Find more resources from us at MDEM, as well as learning opportunities from our partners
that span the entire emergency management life cycle.

We recognize that the transition away from our previous Leanring Management System (LMS) represents a big change in your MDEM training experience. 
Check out our transition FAQ sheet to find answers to some of the most common questions we've gotten thus far!

Where to Find More Training

The world of emergency management is full of excellent training providers, willing and able to help you skill up in all sorts of areas. There are far too many to list them all, but some reliable places to start include:

FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI)  [VISIT SITE ->]​
Now organized as one of three pieces of the National Disaster & Emergency Management University, the EMI offers a broad swath of training on the foundational concepts of emergency management (e.g., FEMA structure, response frameworks, public information, grant management, damage assessment, etc.) in formats ranging from self-paced independent study courses all the way to intensive academies focused on a specific topic or position area skillset.​ Its sister schools include:

School of Disaster Leadership - Focused on advanced training for mid-late career emergency management professionals  [VISIT SITE ->]
School of National Resilience - Provides similar training, but aimed at a wider range of community stakeholders.  [VISIT SITE ->]

Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP)  [VISIT SITE ->]
Designed specifically to house and provide resources beyond what most public safety agencies will be able to support themselves, CDP offers a variety of advanced responder training, much of it hands-on and situation specific - including in-person experiences at specialized facilities (e.g. a chemical & radiological ordnance center, disaster preparedness hospital compex, etc.) supplemented by several online offerings.

LSU Academy of Counter-Terrorist Education (LSU NCBRT-ACE)  [VISIT SITE ->]
Housed in Louisiana State University's National Center for Biomedical Research & Training, the ACE is focused on developing and delivering DHS/FEMA certified training around the country. They primarily operate at an organizational scale, allowing your organization/business/agency to select from a large menu of courses that their instructors will bring directly to you.

Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management & Public Safety (MACEM&PS)  [VISIT SITE ->]
Part of Frederick Community College, the MACEM&PS specializes in custom training development and delivery, working with clients at all scales to analyze and identify organizational training needs and then create educational products tailored specifically to their organization or field.

Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC)  [VISIT SITE ->]
An arm of the Center for Rural Development, the RDPC offers a mix of training content and formats - virtual, hybrid, custom-delivered, in-person - with a specific focus on the needs and interests of those with emergency management responsibilities in our nation's rural communities.

National Disaster Preparedness Training Center (NDPTC)  [VISIT SITE ->]
The University of Hawaii plays host to the NDPTC, a variety provider offering in-person deliveries and online coursework. While their catalog addresses a broad array of topics, their specialities are trainings designed for the needs of natural disaster/hazard preparedness and those communities living in hazardous, coastal, and island communities.


Training & Exercise Resources


Check back regularly as we update this section with additional MDEM resources.

Can MDEM Help Me Offer a Training?

If you or your organization is interested in receiving MDEM's assistance with delivering a training offering or conducting an exercise, please reach out to and a member of the Training & Exercise team will get in touch.