Historic Preservation (EHP)
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) establishes numerous requirements which must be met prior to the commencement of projects (including purchasing of equipment) and reimbursement of funds. To facilitate this process the FEMA Grants Program Directorate (GPD) created the Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Screening Form. The form should be saved to your hard drive and once completed emailed to Janet Moncrieffe at janet.moncrieffe@maryland.gov.
MDEM Grants Management Branch reviews the EHP Screening Form to ensure all required documentation is in order and present and then submits the requests to the GPD for review. Turnaround time is dependent on several factors the three largest being the presence of historical structures, location in a flood plain, or location in the National Wetlands Inventory. GPD review process can be as short as 2 weeks for simple requests. Therefore, early submission to the MDEM Grants Management Branch is critical when either the project has an imminent end date or the end of the grant performance period is approaching, to ensure that approval is received and work is completed in time to obtain reimbursement of funds.
CLICK HERE to download the Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Screening Form
Electronic Grants Management System for Sub Grantees of Homeland Security and Emergency Management awards