NSGP Application Instructions

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Thank you for your interest!

The FY2024 Nonprofit Security Grant Program application is closed as of 5/22/2024.

Please monitor this site for future updates about the FY2025 application.

The State of Maryland Department of Emergency Management (MDEM) is your State Administrative Agency (SAA) - all correspondence regarding the NSGP award should be directed to nsgp.mdem@maryland.gov

If your organization resides in Montgomery or Prince George's County, you must
apply for the NSGP award under the National Capital Region through the District of Columbia. Please visit the DC NSGP homepage for more information: https://hsema.dc.gov/nsgp

All applications must be received electronically and sent to the nsgp.mdem@maryland.gov email.

Each organization should send only one email with a complete application packet included.

Your email subject line must read "FY2024 NSGP APPLICATION <your organization's name>" for your application to be considered.

The application packet must include:

  • Investment Justification (unique to site)

  • Mission Statement (on official organizational letterhead)

  • Vulnerability/Risk Assessment (unique to site)

  • New Construction Project (if applicable)

    • SF 424C Budget Information - Construction Programs

    • SF-424D Assurances - Construction Programs

All documents must be delivered to MDEM as PDFs.

The Investment Justification (IJ) is the principal application document. The projects requested in the IJ must be supported by the organization’s Mission Statement and the location's Vulnerability/Risk Assessment. The space allotted on the IJ is all that is allowed to be used. Please make sure your answers fit w​ithin the space provided, as addendums WILL NOT be considered.

NOTE: The Investment Justification file cannot be viewed in a browser due to FEMA's security restrictions. Please download it and open it outside of your browser, from your computer's file library or desktop.

Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)

As of April 4, 2022, the federal government requires all recipients and subrecipients of federal funding to use a Unique Federal Identifier (UEI) to identify their organization. The UEI must be acquired through the SAM.gov website and is free of charge. For FY2024 NSGP applicants, if you have a UEI, enter it in the FY2024 application template where it is indicated.

If you do not yet have a UEI, you may leave that field in the application template blank, and your application will be accepted. However, continue your efforts to get a UEI, as MDEM must have a UEI for all successful applicants in order to issue sub-grants in the coming months. Please refer to the UEI instructions in the FY2024 NSGP NOFO.

Here is a link to a helpful guide from SAM.gov explaining how to acquire a UEI. NSGP applicants do not need to register their UEIs (that is a much more complicated process). The video explains the difference and shows the simplified process for simply getting a UEI issued: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uv1YNAsINk

REMINDER: Do not submit applications to FEMA or grants.gov. The State of Maryland Department of Emergency Management is your State Authorized Agency (SAA) and is responible for the submission of all materials to FEMA.

Attempts to contact FEMA or grants.gov about your applications will go unanswered, and applications sent to them by entities other than the SAA will not be considered.