Whole Community Integration
The Whole Community Integration (WCI) Branch's purpose is to partner, engage, and coordinate with private sector, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations all across our State, ensuring they're integrated throughout all the phases of emergency management.
Our goals are simple: We want to build engagement and integration, and ensure that communications between MDEM and its community partners isn't just a one-way street.
To help make that all happen, we offer a range of services, resources, and
events - something for everyone, with some especially designed for those organizations who sign up for one of our partnership programs. (Don't worry, membership is complementary!)
WCI Services
For members:
Monthly Newsletter & Alerts - Regular updates on the activities, programs, and opportunities available in our network; and special alerts and info in the event of an emergency.
Business Emergency Operations Center Access - When a crisis occurs, the MD Business Emergency Operations Center (MBEOC) is activated; members can sign in to learn the latest news, connect with State officials, and participate in the discussions & coordination that guide our response efforts.
Workshop Learning Series - A series of free seminars on the basics of how your organization can be prepared (e.g., "What should be in my disaster plan?" "What kind of grant opportunities are there?")
Training and Exercise - WCI routinely invites all kinds of organizations to be part of statewide exercises, task forces and work groups where they can share their expertise, additional information & training sessions, and more
Annual Partner Summit - A yearly networking event where you can connect with us, our partner organizations, and learn more about our entire program
Meet Our Programs
The Private Sector Integration Program (PSIP) is a network of Maryland businesses (large and small). We're committed to integrating the private sector into emergency management by establishing 2-way communication before emergencies, and providing a voice for the business community during emergencies.

Contact psector@maryland.gov
The Nonprofit Engagement Program (NPEP) is a new and growing collection of community, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations. Nonprofits are sometimes overlooked in the emergency planning world, and we want to help them gain a stronger foothold by giving them a voice, resources, information, education, and support.
Sign Up for an Event! Click on any event below to see more details and find links to register!
Whole Community Resource Library
Maryland's communities and their organizations - for profit and nonprofit alike - have access to a wide variety of resources, tools, and partner groups to help them achieve the level of preparedness they need. Here's a list of some of the ones we at WCI have found most useful...plus some resources we've created for you ourselves!
WCI Event Recordings
Webinar: Business Guide to 1st Amendment Demonstrations
Workshop Learning Series: Legislation 101
Workshop Learning Series: Cybersecurity (10/11/23)
Available Grants
BGE Energizing Small Business Grants: This grant program is part of BGE’s $15 million pledge to assist small businesses with COVID-19 relief and recovery and is a multi-year commitment expected to run through at least 2023.
Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP): The program supplements and expands ongoing work of local nonprofit and governmental social services organizations to provide shelter, food and supportive services to individuals and families who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing, hunger and/or homelessness.
Hazard Mitigation: is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long-term risk to life and property from hazard events. There are three available grants - BRIC (Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities), FMA (Flood Mitigation Assistance), and
HMGP(Hazard Mitigation Grant Program).
Human Trafficking Youth Prevention Education (HTYPE) Demonstration Program: funds local educational agencies to develop and implement programs to prevent human trafficking victimization through the provision of skills-based human trafficking training and education for school staff and students.
Maryland Department of Commerce: View Maryland Financial Incentives for Businesses. Includes grants, loans, tax credit and other information.
Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP): provides funding support for target hardening and other physical security enhancements and activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack.
Revolving Loan Fund (RLF): is a program that offers low-interest loans (no more than 1%) to local governments to help finance projects and activities that mitigate the effects of natural hazards. Local governments can take out the RLF loans on behalf of homeowners, businesses, nonprofit organizations & communities.
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP): is a federally funded, state administered, program which reimburses program operators who serve free healthy meals and snacks to children and teens in low-income areas.
Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention (TVTP) grant program: provides funding for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, nonprofits and<br/>institutions of higher education with funds to establish or enhance<br/>capabilities to prevent targeted violence and terrorism.
Resource Toolkit
Business Impact Assessment: A business impact analysis (BIA) predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and process and gathers information needed to develop recovery strategies.
Climate Check: Use this page to learn how climate change is affecting people in Maryland.
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Template: A COOP plan will help your organization develop work around strategies when facilities, employees, or systems are impacted by a disaster.
Cybersecurity 101: a collection of tips to advise the public about common threats to cybersecurity and how to safeguard against them.
DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships Resources: seeks to build bridges across the whole community and to help overcome challenges among FBO’s.
Disaster Agency Response Technology (DART): DART is a suite of technology tools designed to support the missions of MD VOAD agencies
Maryland Climate Change Program: Maryland Department of the Environment oversees the development and implementation of the state’s plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP): This tool will help small, low-hazard service or retail businesses implement an emergency action plan, and comply with OSHA’s emergency standards.
Maryland Traffic Conditions & Road Closures
Maryland Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment: Section II of the Maryland State Hazard Mitigation plan (beginning on pg.34) includes breakdown by hazard and counties with greatest impacts.
MD Ready: being ready means having the information necessary to make informed decisions. This application includes Maryland specific information.
National Center for Environmental Information: NOAA tool that allows you to use the interactive mapping tool to better visualize the frequency and cost of billion-dollar weather and climate events as well as local risk and vulnerability.
National Risk Index: FEMA based tool to help you discover the landscape of natural hazard risk in the united dates. Map and data can be filtered down to the county level.
Organizations Preparing for Emergency Needs (OPEN): FEMA based tool that
provides preparedness training for Community-Based Organizations (CBO’s)
guiding participants on how to prepare for incidents.
OSPREY (Operational and Situational Preparedness for Responding to an Emergency). The OSPREY suite of tools contains many sources of real-time data such as closed-circuit TV cameras, weather and power outages. The applications on this page are public facing - no passwords are required.
Preliminary Damage Assessment Guide: is a standard framework for how emergency management officials conduct preliminary damage assessments following a disaster.
"Prepare for Emergencies" and "Recover from Disasters" by the Small Business Association (SBA): Guidance and resources for businesses.
Ready Business: FEMA’s preparedness planning hazard based toolkits for your business.
Ready Rating: American Red Cross’s website that will help your organization get prepared and develop plans for disasters and other emergencies.
Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT): A FEMA based GIS analysis &
planning tool to inform strategies for emergency preparedness, response and
recovery. It provides easy access to important community data.
Resilient Workplace: includes complementary resources to help businesses become disaster resilient.
Risk and Resilience Hub: A digital platform meant to build resilient organizations and communities in the private and public sectors.
SAM.Gov (System for Award Management): Registration in this system is required in order to work as a federal contractor or receive business or nonprofit grants.
Supply Chain Resource Library: CISA’s library is a non-exhaustive list of free, voluntary resources and information on supply chain programs, rulemakings and other activities from across the federal government.
Volunteer Match: Tool used to recruit qualified volunteers for your nonprofit.
Training & Exercise Library
ARC EDGE: Red Cross extended enterprise training for military families and community partners. You must register here first.
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Courses: CISA offers no-cost cybersecurity Training with a range of courses encompassing basic cybersecurity awareness & best practices for organizations. Examples include Active Shooter preparedness, Bomb Threat Preparedness, Incident Response & Awareness Training, etc.
Cybersecurity Exercises: Tools for stakeholders to conduct planning exercises on a wide range of threat scenarios
Disaster Ready: Over 1,500 free online learning resources for humanitarian aid & development professionals.
FEMA Exercise Support: Request exercise support from FEMA.
FEMA Independent Study courses: Free online, self-paced coursework on the fundamental principles of emergency management, as well as some extended topics like climate change or grantmaking tools.
Mid-Atlantic Center for Emergency Management & Public Safety at Frederick Community College
video library: Repository of trainings, interviews, and tutorials on public safety topics provided by a nationally-recognized emergency management school, based in Maryland.
Supply Chain Resilience and
Public-Private Partnerships: Self-study courses commissioned by the Center of Homeland Defense & Security.
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit Training Courses: The training courses here can help you acquire the tools, skills and knowledge you need to manage climate-related risks and opportunities. All courses are free.
Resource Partners
Adventist Community Services (ACS)
All Hazard Consortium (AHC)
American Red Cross (ARC)
Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC)
Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Maryland Coordination & Analysis Center (MCAC)
Maryland Emergency Management Association (MDEMA)
Maryland Department of Commerce
Maryland Department of Environment (MDE)
Maryland General Assembly Legislation
Maryland Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives (GOCI)
Maryland Governor’s Office of Homeland Security (GOHS)
Maryland Governor’s Office on Service & Volunteerism (GOSV)
Maryland Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MD VOAD)
National Emergency Management Association (NEMA)
National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (N.VOAD)
National Weather Service
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Small Business Association (SBA)
US Chamber of Commerce
I still have questions - who should I contact?
The Whole Community Integration Branch is a team of emergency management professionals here to partner with you to provide reliable information, trusted resources, and effective emergency management services. If you're interested in getting touch, reach out to:
Branch Manager
Tessa Lovro (tessa.lovro@maryland.gov)
Business Engagement Manager & Private Sector Liaison
Cory Edwards (cory.edwards1@maryland.gov)
Nonprofit Engagement Manager & Nonprofit Liaison
Christiana Ferguson (christiana.ferguson@maryland.gov)
We'd love to hear from you!
Your voice matters to us! Please take a moment to fill out our quick
Client Feedback Survey, so we can continue developing the services that matter most to your organization.