Meet the Disaster Risk Reduction Directorate
The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) team is made up of components designed to help commuinities prepare for and recover from disasters, as well as to strengthen them so disasters do less damage in the first place. DRR is made up of:
Communications & Outreach Branch
MDEM's design shop and informational hub, helping ensure that the information, resources, and tools MDEM provides to partner agencies and Maryland's communities are reliable and consistently high-quality.
Communications & Outreach includes MDEM's Public Information Officers, the digital engagement team (social media, web presence, etc.), the Community Emergency Repsonse Team (CERT), and the Individual Assistance program. It also manages
MdReady, Maryland's all-in-one emergency alert text and web app; and MdListo, the app's companion for Spanish-speakers.
Geographic Information Services (GIS) Unit
The GIS unit leads MDEM’s spatial analysis and mapping programs, seeking to provide a higher level of analysis and to spatially display information that informs risk reduction programs and also assists with decision making during disasters in Maryland. This unit works closely with GIS professionals throughout Maryland in an effort to synthesize data helpful in mitigating the consequences of disasters and reducing risk.
Hazard Mitigation Branch
The Hazard Mitigation Branch implements long-term solutions to disaster risk through structural and non-structural mitigation projects. They work with partner agencies and local jurisdictions to identify areas of vulnerability, develop solutions, and implement projects that break the cycle of disaster. The branch primarily focuses on broad, community-based projects that have significant impacts throughout Maryland.
Public Assistance Branch
In the aftermath of disaster the Public Assistance Branch assists communities adversely affected by disaster. They administer several federal disaster relief programs (which assist public agencies in recovering from disaster), coordinate initial damage assessment with local agencies and other recovery entities, and collect damage estimates in support of any requests for federal assistance.
Risk & Recovery Branch
The Risk and Recovery Branch leads Maryland’s pre-disaster recovery coordination and post-disaster recovery mission areas. It also manages MDEM’s comprehensive incident risk analysis program during consequence management operations (including for response and recovery) to inform decision-makers throughout emergency response and recovery. The risk analysis outputs are also used to inform planning efforts, such as hazard risk profiles and GIS products.
Strategy Branch
The Strategy Branch coordinates long-term programs and direction for the Maryland Emergency Management System, as well as coordinating strategic planning, legislative initiatives, and working closely with regional workgroups. In addition, they coordinate Maryland’s broad-based Disaster Risk Reduction efforts, working with agencies inside and outside of government to reduce overall disaster risk. The Strategy Branch also works closely with agencies engaged in the protection mission area, which seeks to reduce the risk of terrorism in Maryland.
Whole Community Integration Branch
The Whole Community Integration Branch's purpose is to partner, engage, and coordinate with private sector, faith-based, and nonprofit organizations across Maryland, ensuring they're integrated throughout all the phases of emergency management and that communication isn't just a one-way street.
To help make that all happen, they offer a range of services, resources, and programs, including the
Private Sector Integration Program (PSIP) and
Nonprofit Engagement Program (NPEP).
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