Governor's Emergency Management Advisory Council


A header image featuring members of the emergency management advisory council talking at a table, with the acronym "GEMAC"A picture of Secretary Strickland shaking hands with MDEM staff, with the header text, Who We Are  

​​The Governor's Emergency Management Advisory Council (GEMAC) is created by statute and is charged with advising the Governor on all matters that relate to emergency management in Maryland. The GEMAC serves as an independent advisory body, comprised of subject matter experts from a wide range of disciplines, backgrounds, and geo​graphic areas including local emergency responders and individuals broadly representative of business interests, public utilities, and other communities throughout Maryland. ​

Click here to view the current roster of GEMAC members!

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting Schedule (includes past meetings)


Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: Monday, February 24​​​, 2025
Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM       
Time zone: America/New_York       
Video call link: ​
​Or dial: +1 413-337-2367‬ PIN: ‪323 989 464‬#         
​ More phone numbers: ​
Agenda:D​ownload the GEMAC Agenda 2/24​/202​5​​
Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: Wednesday, December 18​​​, 2024​
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM       
Time zone: America/New_York       
Video call link: ​
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:
Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: Wednesday, October 30​​, 2024​
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM       
Time zone: America/New_York       
Video call link: ​​​​​
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:
Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: Wednesday, September 25​​, 2024​
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM       
Video call link: ​​​​​
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:
Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: Wednesday​, July 17​, 2024​
Time: 12:00PM - 2:00PM       
Video call link: ​​​​​
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:
Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: September 27,  2023​       
Time: 11:00AM - 2:00PM       
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:
Minutes:Download the GEMAC Minutes 09/27​/2023​

Quarterly GEMAC/SERC Meeting HOLD/RSVP​
Date: June 28, 2023​       
Time: 11:00AM - 2:00PM       
Video call link:​​​       
​Or dial: +1 605-854-1249‬ PIN: ‪460 594 181‬#         
​ More phone numbers:

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting​​       
Date: Mar 22, 2023​       
Time: 11:00AM - 2:00PM       
Video call link:​​​       
​Or dial: +1 413-893-3120 PIN: 339 014 956#         
​ More phone numbers:​

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: May 11, 2021       
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm       
Virtual (MS Teams Platform)       
Agenda:​Download the GEMAC Agenda 05/11/2021​         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: February 22, 2021       
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm       
Virtual (MS Teams Platform)       
Agenda:​ Download the GEMAC Agenda 02/22/2021​         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: November 24, 2020       
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm       
Virtual (MS Teams Platform)       
Minutes: Download the GEMAC Minutes 11/24/2020​

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: August 24, 2020       
Time: 12:00pm - 3:00pm       
Virtual (MS Teams Platform)       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC Agenda 08/24/2020​         
Minutes: Download the GEMAC Minutes 08/24/2020​         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: May 12, 2020       
Time: 11:00pm - 11:30am       
Virtual (Conference Call)       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC Agenda 05/12/2020         
Minutes: Download the GEMAC Minutes 05/12/2020         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting
Date: February 20, 2020
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
*Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Company, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD
Agenda:Download the GEMAC Agenda 2/20/2020
Minutes:Download the GEMAC Minutes 2/20/2020​         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting
Date: Friday, November 22, 2019
Time: 11:30am - 3pm
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD
20763 (agenda and minutes attached)
 Agenda: Download the GEMAC Agenda 11/22/2019          
 Minutes: Download the GEMAC Minutes 11/22/2019

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting
Date: Monday, September 23, 2019
Time: 12pm - 3pm
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD
20763 (agenda attached)         
Agenda:Download the GEMAC Agenda 9/23/19         
Minutes:Download the GEMAC Minutes 9/23/19

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Time: 11:30am - 1:30pm
Location: Location: Maryland Department of Environment, 1800 Washington Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21230         
AgendaDownload the GEMAC Agenda 5/21/19
Minutes: Download the GEMAC Minutes 5/21/19         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting
Date: Thursday, March 14, 2019
Time: 12pm - 3pm
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD
20763 (agenda and minutes attached)       
AgendaDownload the GEMAC Agenda 3/14/19
 Minutes:Download the GEMAC Minutes 3/14/19         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2018       
Time: 1pm - 3pm       
Location: Clarion Resort Fontainebleau Hotel - Oceanfront, 10100 Coastal       
Hwy, Ocean City, MD 21842       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC Agenda 05/29/18         
GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: Thursday, March 29, 2018       
Time: 12pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC Agenda 03/29/18         

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: Monday, November 20, 2017       
Time: 12pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC 11/20/17 Agenda          

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2017       
Time: 12pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD       
Agenda: Download the GEMAC 8/23/17 Agenda

GEMAC NG911 Meeting       
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2017       
Time: 1pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD 20763       

GEMAC Quarterly Meeting       
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2017       
Time: 12pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD 20763       
[Include agenda and notes (attached)]       
Agenda:Downloa​d the 5/3/17 GEMAC Agenda

Date: Wednesday, October 26, 2016       
Time: 12pm - 3pm       
Location: Savage Volunteer Fire Department, 8521 Corridor Rd, Savage, MD 20763
Agenda: Download the GEMAC 10/26/16 Agenda         
Notes: Download the GEMAC 10/26/16 Meeting Notes
