Council Info & Reports


Representing food resilience and policy organizations across the State, the members of the Council collaborate to achieve the goals and outcomes prescribed by law.

The Maryland Food Resiliency Council (FSRC), is currently co-chaired by the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MDEM) Secretary, Russ Strickland, and Michael J. Wilson, of Maryland Hunger Solutions.  In addition to the co-chairs, the council has three co-vice chairs:

  • The Secretary of the Department of Agriculture
  • The Secretary of the Department of Human Services
  • Dean of the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Members of the Council are appointed by the Secretary of MDEM for a three-year term, which may be renewed, but not to exceed two terms.

Why an FSRC?

The USDA defines food insecurity as “a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life.” Food insecurity is a socially-rooted and systemic issue that has increased in prevalence since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Maryland Food Bank, 1 in 3 Maryland households are food insecure, and the majority of which are households with children. Crises, shocks, and stressors, natural and human-made, exacerbate food insecurity and cause considerable short- and long-term damage to our food systems and, in turn, to our people. 

To help address these issues, the FSRC's goals are:

  • Address the food insecurity crisis in the State of Maryland resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis.

  • Develop equity and sustainability policy recommendations to increase the long-term resiliency of the food system.

  • Expand the impact of existing food council stakeholder organizations.

  • Develop a strategic plan to increase the production and procurement of Maryland certified food.​

Our Members

Russell J. Strickland
Secretary, MDEM

Nancy Nunn
Harry R. Hughes Center for

See ful​l ro​ster -->

Published Reports

2023 Report to the General Assembly [Pub. 11-1-23]​