Council Info & Reports


Header image featuring the FSRC logo and a photo of the Council members posing outside a food distribution center  

Representing food resilience and policy organizations across the State, the members of the Council collaborate to achieve the goals and out​comes prescribed by law.

The Maryland Food Resiliency Council (FSRC), is currently co-chaired by the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MDEM) Secretary, Russ Strickland, and Nancy Nunn, of the Harry R. Hughes Center for Agro-Ecology.  In addition to the co-chairs, the Council has eight additional members appointed by statute including: 

  • Three co-vice chairs: 
    • Dean of the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 
    • Secretary of the Department of Human Services 
    • Secretary of the Department of Agriculture
  • ​One member of the Senate of Maryland, appointed by the President of the Senate
  • One member of the House of Delegates, appointed by the Speaker of the House
  • Executive Director of  Maryland Agricultural and Resource–Based Industry Development Corporation (MARBIDCO)
  • Executive Director of the Maryland Farm Bureau
  • Secretary of the Maryland Department of Commerce

All additional Council members are appointed by the Secretary of MDEM for a three year term, which may be renewed for no more than two consecutive terms.

Why a Food System Resiliency Council?​

The USDA defines food insecurity as “a lack of consistent access to enough food for every person in a household to live an active, healthy life.” Food insecurity is a socially-rooted and systemic issue that has increased in prevalence since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Maryland Food Bank, 1 in 3 Maryland households are food insecure, and the majority of which are households with children. Crises, shocks, and stressors, natural and human-made, exacerbate food insecurity and cause considerable short- and long-term damage to our food systems and, in turn, to our people. 


To help address these issues, the FSRC's goals are:

  • Address the food insecurity crisis in the State of Maryland resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting economic crisis.

  • Develop equity and sustainability policy recommendations to increase the long-term resiliency of the food system.

  • Expand the impact of existing food council stakeholder organizations.

  • Develop a strategic plan to increase the production and procurement of Maryland certified food.​   
Council Doc​uments




FSRC Meeting Recordings

2/6/2025 Meeting Recording​

11/7/2024 Meeting Recording 

9/5/2024 Meeting Recording​​​  

2024 FSRC Report Listening Session  

May 2024 Council Forum Day 2 [via WebEx]  

May 2024 Council Forum Day 1​ [via WebEx]       

3/7/2024 Meeting Recording [via WebEx]  

1/4/2024 Meeting Recording [via WebEx]​  

​11/2​/2023​ Meeting Recording​​​               

8/11​/2023​ Meeting Recording​​​  

​5/23/2023​ Meeting Recording​​​  

3/2/2023​ Meeting Recording​​​  

1/5/2023​ Meeting Recording​  

12/1/2022 Meeting Recording​  

10/2​6/2022 Meeting Recording​​               

10/6/2022 Meeting Recording               

​9/1/2022 Meeting Recording  

​8/4/2022 Meeting Recording  

6/2/22 Meeting Recording               

5/5/22 Meeting Recording  

4/7/22 Meeting Recording  

2/3/22​ Meeting Recording

