PSIP Summit 2020

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Valuable Content from Top Speakers

Russell J. Strickland

Russell J. Strickland​​
Executive Director, Maryland Emergency Management Agency

Chas Eby 
Jorge Castillo 
Allegra Tartaglia 

NCR Branch Manager, Maryland Emergency Management Agency

Senior Intelligence Analyst, Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center’s Critical Infrastructure Branch

Cee Cee Molineaux-Burrows 

Cee Cee Molineaux-Burrows
Non-Governmental Services Program Coordinator, Maryland Emergency Management Agency

Erin Valentine

Erin Valentine
Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Coordinator, General Dynamics Information Technology

John Haddaway

Corporal John Haddaway
Corporal, Baltimore County Police Department

Jaleesa Tate

Jaleesa Tate
State Hazard Mitigation Officer, Maryland Emergency Management Agency

Jessica Nusbaum

Jessica Nusbaum
State Individual Assistance Officer and Community Preparedness Coordinator, Maryland Emergency Management Agency​

Kathy Francis
Kelly Schultz
Kyle Overly
Kyrle Preis III  
Melissa Wiehenstroer
JK Ferrell

JK Ferrell
Director of Safety, The Arc Baltimore

Bob Maloney

Bob Maloney
Senior Director of Emergency Management, Johns Hopkins Medicine

Tom Moran  

Tom Moran
CEO, All Hazards Consortium

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams
Vice President, Navigators Global & Executive Director, BuildStrong Coalition

Persia Payne-Hurley

Persia Payne-Hurley
Private Sector Manager & BEOC Coordinator, North Carolina Emergency Management

Raymond A. Hanna

Raymond A. Hanna
PSA’s CISA, Department of Homeland Security

Todd Biebel

​Todd Biebel
Manager of Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery, Verizon